Survival-Our #1 Goal

Many of us say we have goals in life.  These may include health goals, financial goals, personal goals, business goals, spiritual goals.  But did you know that the primary #1 goal of humans is to survive?  This is followed by procreation as a close second, but for we humans we have a strong urge or goal to keep our bodies (because we think we ARE our bodies) alive and functioning…..not necessarily healthy but functioning.  People tend to feel separate and limited and vulnerable and we often seek to fulfill our needs from outside ourselves. 

The brain (the small reptilian brain) is a survival mechanism and operates on a basic level. Most of our thoughts, feeling and emotions are centered around doing things that cause us to feel safe and secure and ultimately happy.  But seeking of answers outside of ourselves are often unfulfilling.  Eating a food that we really want but may not be good for us to be happy doesn’t solve the happiness goal or even the goal of fueling our body.  Acquiring something that maybe we don’t need but we think having it will make us happy is also short lived.  It doesn’t meet the need for safety and security or even happiness.

Dr. David Hawkins developed a scale of emotions giving them a ranking starting at the bottom with shame and guilt and moving up through grief, fear, anger, pride and into the more powerful realms of courage, reason, love, joy and peace.  During the past few weeks, we have been mostly operating at the lower levels of grief and fear and as always seeking to be moving in a world of love, joy and peace.  Decisions are being made, things being said and people acting right now (globally) from states of grief, fear and anxiety due to so much unknown and out of our control.  All because we are in survival mode.

Let’s all try a little self compassion. It can’t hurt.

Amanda Barron