Can We Just Be?

As part of a goal setting exercise in a retreat setting, the facilitator told all of the participants to separate their goals into business, personal, health, spiritual and family goals.  And then in each category to list out our life goals under the headings of have, do or be.  I’m the queen of to-do lists so the “DO” was no problem nor was the “HAVE”. But when it came to the be, I was stuck.  What was “be.”

         Now “be” defined in the dictionary means to exist, so what the heck was I going to plan out in my 5 categories in existence.  I was stumped. And was stumped for many years until a time when I realized that my state of being was so much more important than anything I could have or do-these things were temporary.  Possessions come and go; activities and events come and go and are forgotten.

         But the being?  Being happy.  Being peaceful.  Being grateful  Being joyful.  And most importantly for me… goal to be compassionate and be kind.  This is the true stuff that life’s goals can be.  Should be.

         So, take a moment and choose.  What will you be today and in the future?

Amanda Barron