What Did You Expect?


And since stuff happens (it does in my world so feel sure it does in everyone’s) what is important is how we view it, approach it, relate to it, deal with it, love what is.  The stuff that happens sometimes is felt as happening TO us and this is the rub.  We are not victims of life’s divinity or even victims of the wrong doings of others.  Simply, we are not even victims at all.  Our plan doesn’t go according to THE plan.  The person we love unexpectedly falls out of love with us and leaves us for another.  The storm bringing much needed rain damages our house/car.  The diagnosis comes when we are in the midst of the happiest time of our life.  We didn’t plan for it and we didn’t expect it.  And frankly, we don’t want it.

Harkening back to the notion that we are here on earth for but a brief period, we are living out a beautiful existence of perfection in this divine dance.  The incredible balance of the intricacies of life are indeed perfect.  All is in divine order.  But there are choices that are made (good and bad) by people which tip the balance.  There are unplanned incidents that happen given that there is free will amongst us all.  After a tilt in the perfection of life, we take a breath and recall that just moments before that unexpected incident we were living our best life.  Then the something happened in a millisecond and the biggest change was how we started to think about it, perceive it and live with it.  Yes, the world shifted a bit.  But we are still the same perfect being we were before that shift.  From a rainbows and unicorns world, the outlook became dungeons and dragons.

As Byron Katie writes “Life is simple. Everything happens for you, not to you. Everything happens at exactly the right moment, neither too soon nor too late. You don't have to like it... it's just easier if you do.”  Although Katie did not mention anything of a religious or spiritual nature, her meaning is clear.  We always have choices in this beautiful, topsy-turvy life of ours.  We can choose to suffer through the Paradise of our lives or we can lean in to loving what is, understanding that all is intentional perfection in physical manifestation. What did we expect?

Amanda Barron