The Fine Art of Noticing

No matter how hard I try, I find it a challenge to make my mind, my body, my life s-l-o-w down and be in the moment. The inevitable “to-do” list of my own making drives my day and I have even found my cherished meditation time getting shorter and way too rushed.

Always being the problem solver and solution finder, I decided that I would adopt a “no matter what” attitude around my meditation time and also to work on developing that old muscle memory when it comes to being present. I recently purchased a small, point-and-shoot style camera (without the point-and-shoot price tag….when did they ever get so expensive.)

On my morning and evening walks with the pooch I have slowed my stroll to a snail’s pace just to notice the details in life. A man shuffling up a walk to grab his morning paper, an especially colorful delivery truck, toys in a front yard and the anatomy of the trees and shrubs.

The image associated with this post initiated a story in my head around self healing and self love. This tree (without overthinking it or seeking professional help) begins a process of healing itself right after storm damage. No one tells it to do this, the tree does not have to seek advice on how to do it, it just starts the process. This is what nature intended. We have the power to do so much for ourselves if we just let it happen. If we just allow and embrace what comes naturally to us.

Noticing happened in an instant, lesson remembered for a lifetime.

Amanda Barron