My Musings
I have a great many creative friends. I often fancy myself as someone who lives on the edges of their brilliance with my scribbling (does one scribble with a computer?) or impromptu photography, capturing quirky images I see through the lens of my camera. My words and images aren’t labors of creativity from my point of view. They are brain and humor dumps which, over time, I have learned to bravely share with others. These off-the-cuff offerings are often poorly framed (words or photos) but in my aging “what the hell” attitude, I post or share on social media with a I-could-give-a-rats-ass attitude.
After much reflection and many birthdays, I have also adopted the practice of creating and sharing meaningless musings. Each new day arrives as a blank canvas and each day I make the choice of how it will go. Being a smidge of a control freak, I like this notion of crafting my day precisely as I want it to be. Now, does this mean I always make my own schedule and set my own agenda? No, because I do have responsibilities to others: deadlines, appointments, meetings and the like are guided by those with whom I work. BUT, the biggest thrill of all is that I get to create the flava of day it is going to be. I find that I have gotten to be quite bold and bossy in my choices. I always choose a serendipity style of day, one filled with amusement, wonder, curiosity and gratitude. I’m sure that it will be a joy to get to interact with those who know more than me and who can teach me. And what a thrill to meet a new person and learn what makes them tick (or some of them strike a horrendously loud gong). What a curiosity to be excited at the new and the outrageous way people act.
Today was just the same. Today, I chose my day. And I was not disappointed.