Get That House in Order

For the umpteenth time, a colleague and I recently consumed WAY too much time grumbling about contemporaries’ short comings.  Who knows why we took an entire coffee session tattling on them to each other.  It did nothing to change the situation for them or for us. 

 Quicker than you can say “gossip mongering”, my brain re-directed me to consider how I might be the culpable one in some situations.  No personal blame game, but acceptance of a role in either excess judgment and/or even a minute sliver of responsibility in the circumstances.

 I used to think that a look inward first was a sign of weakness. Maybe yes.  Maybe no.  But to even spend a moment on examination of the deflected negative indicates that there is still work to do.  Before I assign responsibility for any situation sliding sideways, I believe it best to make sure my own house is fully in order.  Where do I have responsibility in any situation?  Where am I looking to criticize others in order to make me be “right” (and doesn’t being right feel oh so good?) 

 I do not embrace victimhood in any way.  I’m about checking to be sure all of the dustin’ and cleanin’ is done in my own house before I unleash my Marie Kondo attitudes on others.

Deborah Cole