Finding Life's Purpose in a Joint Venture

Modern society and the plethora of life gurus advise us that we should follow our passion and/or discover our life’s purpose. But what if we don’t have a clue what either of these are? And what if feeling the lack thereof only causes us stress and shame for the absence of said necessities?

Please know that you are not alone. Being a simple person I tend to elevate (or raise) ideas to the lowest (or highest?) notion. Passion is a loaded word, so when I asked myself to go within and find my passion, I altered the question to “what do I love?” Other than family, friends, and freedom were the answer I sought. And without strain or struggle I teased out the 4 things in my life that made me giddy and my heart skip a beat (again, other than family, friends, and freedom).

The next step was to noodle around with what to do with those big ol’ loves. How to make them tangible and real and meaningful in this world? My question this time was thrown inward and outward. Self, what ideas do you have? Universe, what ideas do you have? These answers came. Some came quickly and some unfolded. Being open to the silly, the crazy and the foolish, my joint venture of inner knowing + universal benevolence began to lead. Paths and opportunities never imagined began to appear and I became a believer. Why not be playful, curious and willing to look at the unorthodox?

Life’s purpose being uncovered sounds high-falutin’. I think of it as my own personal joint venture. Me and the universe!

Deborah Cole